It was difficult area to plant because the beds have not much soil, lots of rubble, poor drainage and it is also in shade. But we managed to choose some tough, evergreen plants with foliage in different colours and shapes and flowers at various times of the year. There are some scented plants too. There is a vibrant purple, bronze, orange, yellow and white colour scheme.
taxus baccata fastigiata (columnar yew)
viburnum tinus
sarcococca confusa
carex 'Coppertop'
carex 'Evergold'
luzula nivea
polystichum polyblepharum 'Jade'
polystichum munitum
polypodium vulgare
dianella 'Tas Red'
geum 'Cooky'
heuchera 'Crimson Curls'
heuchera 'Melting Fire'
heuchera 'Frosted Violet'
digitalis parviflora 'Milk Chocolate'
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