Thursday, 27 March 2008

planting containers

Today we finished planting the containers in Pudsey centre. 2 plants had been stolen from a container by the park so we removed a prostrate rosemary from the container by the market (which had 3) to replace them. We had asked the council to remove the old shrubs from the planter by the bank but they had also removed the mahonia from the one by the market so we replaced that with an upright rosemary.

After rearranging all the plants the containers looked great again, especially now the daffodils are starting to flower.

This was the container by the bank before; the shrubs were very leggy -

We have replaced them with shade loving plants because the container is under a tree. We used a polystichum munitum, 2 polypodium vulgare, a carex 'Evergold' and a ophiopogon planiscapus nigrescens.

We also started taking photographs of the town for the portfolio, however, we didn't get many because it started raining!
We have also found out our judging date, the 8th of April.

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