Sunday, 30 March 2008


We planted loads more plants today! First the hemerocallis in the beds in front of the leisure centre.
We planted several different orange and yellow varieties such as 'Corky', 'Mauna Loa', 'Bitsy', 'Eenie Meenie' and 'Bonanza'
They are small at the moment but should get lots of flowers in summer. Both beds look great already even though it is still March.

Next we planted the beds around the car park. Previously they'd had more weedy wallflowers, although this one had had some primulas added too so at least there were some flowers.

We left in some of the bedding in the gaps until the plants grow. We planted a stipa gigantea, a libertia peregrinans, 3 libertia ixioides 'Gold Finger', some eryngium agavifolium and some pink hemerocallis.

This was the other bed before. More wallflowers but a giant phormium too.

In this one we planted 2 libertia peregrinans 'Gold Leaf' 3 eryngium agavifolium and 2 hemerocallis 'Corky'

All the new plants have interesting flowers or foliage and we have gone for strong colour combinations so these beds should look really striking. We have picked plants suited to the conditions so they should all grow well.

Friday, 28 March 2008


We started the seating area on Lowtown today. We don't have all the plants yet but we planted the grasses and heucheras. We used 6 stipa gigantea, 6 ampelodesmos mauritanica, 7 stipa arundinacea, 6 heuchera 'Green Spice' and 4 heuchera 'Frosted Violet'. Just 100 flowering perennials left to do now!

Next we started planting the beds in front of the leisure centre. Previously they had puny little wallflowers and weeds in them.

We have replaced them with shade-loving perennials and ferns that will be much happier here. They look better already!

This was the bed at the other side; it was possibly even worse!

We got nearly all the plants in today. We planted polystichum munitum, polypodium vulgare, geum 'Cooky', dianella 'Tas Red', heuchera 'Melting Fire' and heuchera 'Frosted Violet'.

Lots of people stopped to talk to us while we were planting and we got lots of positive comments. The heucheras were much admired and several people mentioned that they were glad to see perennials being used instead of the same old annuals everywhere.

The beds look pretty good already but we still have some hemerocallis to add.

Thursday, 27 March 2008

planting containers

Today we finished planting the containers in Pudsey centre. 2 plants had been stolen from a container by the park so we removed a prostrate rosemary from the container by the market (which had 3) to replace them. We had asked the council to remove the old shrubs from the planter by the bank but they had also removed the mahonia from the one by the market so we replaced that with an upright rosemary.

After rearranging all the plants the containers looked great again, especially now the daffodils are starting to flower.

This was the container by the bank before; the shrubs were very leggy -

We have replaced them with shade loving plants because the container is under a tree. We used a polystichum munitum, 2 polypodium vulgare, a carex 'Evergold' and a ophiopogon planiscapus nigrescens.

We also started taking photographs of the town for the portfolio, however, we didn't get many because it started raining!
We have also found out our judging date, the 8th of April.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008


Today we decided to do beds in front of leisure centre as well as the area on Lowtown. They currently have puny little wallflowers in so they desperately need replanting. We'll use perennials and ferns.

We have started to received money from businesses for summer hanging baskets.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Walk around Pudsey

Some members of the group met today to walk around Pudsey to see what is looking good and what needs improving.

Thursday, 6 March 2008


We have decided to buy 10 new barrier troughs and discussed what to plant them with and how to reduce watering. The children from Lowtown Primary School have done some posters to be put up in local businesses and these look very impressive. We have also received a donation from Pudsey Flower Club.