Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Article about judging

There is an article on the Pudsey Times website about the summer judging and a slideshow of photographs.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008


Our summer judging was today and we think it went well! They seemed impressed by Lowtown Primary School and the Crimbles allotments again, and the seating area we planted on Lowtown. They liked our alpines in the barrier troughs too and said we should suggest the idea to the council to save them money.

We will find out how we've done and if we've got a medal in late summer.

After our tour of Pudsey we went back to the library to present the competition winners with their prizes. They loved the cactus gardens.

Monday, 7 July 2008

Ready for judging

The town is looking good and we have planted up the cactus gardens ready to present to the competition winners.

Thursday, 3 July 2008


Today members of the group delivered posters to houses and shops all around Pudsey ready for the judges' visit. The posters were designed by Lowtown Primary School pupils.

The art competition was also judged today. 3 winners have been chosen and they will be presented with their prizes on tuesday.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Seating area on Lowtown

This area is looking really good now; nearly everything is in flower. There were lots of bees buzzing around too.

geum 'Lady Stratheden' and potentilla 'Miss Wilmott'

penstemon 'Rondo' and knautia 'Melton pastels'

penstemon 'Husker red' and mixed plants, including knautia and heuchera flowers.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008


We have placed some barrels by the car park next to St Lawrence's Church.
The area, and several other parts of Pudsey, have also been weeded.